Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Example of presence 
Holy spirit by
 pastor stanley arland

Giving to the lord by rashmi arland 
In Madhya pradesh 
Sakdi Baalaghat

Pastor stanley arland

Example of curse by 
Pastor stanley arland
the meeting was held in madhya pradesh (MP)
IN sakdi Baalaghat

Monday, December 30, 2013

Introduction: The Ancient Earth

The first verse of the Bible makes this simple declarative statement:
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Genesis 1:1 KJV)
There is nothing in this verse that tells the reader how God created the heaven and Earth, nor is there any indication given of exactly when He created the heaven and Earth except, "In the beginning."


To break the Curse we need to answer seven pertinent questions

What is a curse?

The world says it like this, “Like father like son.” The Word of God says it like this, “The iniquity of the father passes on from generation to generation.” Many times we translate the word “iniquity” as “sin.” But it’s not the sin that passes on from generation to generation. It’s the curse, the penalty. A curse is a spirit that passes from generation to generation until someone finally figures out how to stop it in Jesus’ name.  - Many of us are locked into patterns of sinful behavior because of generational curses. But because Jesus paid the full price for your freedom, your family's tainted past doesn't have to pull you down.  (Larry Huch)

The Bible says: "Confess your faults one to another…”KJV) James 5:16. The word "fault" can mean a crack or a flaw in your life, character, personality lying beneath the surface. Faults are not the superficial weaknesses seen from time to time. They are those hidden, underlying cracks beneath the surface that rise up under the right pressure and circumstances. These cracks are curses.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

christmas songs for all

Christmas songs of Masih Satsang(The church of Jerusalem)
Writted and printed by Sam workshop all right are reserved
Any help and question log on to www.masihsatsang.blogspot.in
Song no.1